1 thought on “The basis of the children's shoes market segmentation”

  1. The basis of the children's shoes market segmentation is geographical variables, population variables, psychological variables, and behavioral variables.
    1. Segment the market according to geographical variables. That is to segment the market according to the geographical location and natural environment of consumers. The reason why geographical variables can be used as a basis for market segmentation is that consumers in different geographical environments often have different needs and preferences for the same type of products. Their marketing strategies and measures they adopted by enterprises will have different reactions.
    2. According to the population variable segment. That is, according to population statistics variables, such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education level, religion, race, nationality, etc.
    3, according to psychological variables market segmentation. That is, the market segments of psychological factors such as the social class, lifestyle, and personality characteristics of the buyers are located.
    4. That is, they divide them into different groups according to their understanding of the product's understanding, attitude, usage, and response. Many people believe that behavior variables can more directly reflect consumers' demand differences, and thus becoming the best starting point for market segmentation.

    The role in the market segmentation of children's shoes:
    1. It is conducive to corporate excavation and development of new market opportunities.
    2. It is conducive to the reasonable use of various resources to the target market.
    3. It is conducive to formulating applicable distribution strategies.
    4. It is conducive to adjusting marketing strategies.

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